For the past 9 months, I have been dealing with a recurrent allergic reaction resulting in bad hives. These allergic reactions have placed me in the hospital 3 times because of trouble breathing and horrible headaches. I have had many doctors visits with my family doctor, an Endocrinologist, a Dermatologist, and now an Allergist. They have all told me that I am like a puzzle because no matter how many blood tests they conduct on me, they can't seem to figure out what is causing my hives. I have never dealt with an allergy or an allergic reaction before in my life, so the past 9 months have been full of emotions.
One of the things that I have been advised to do by my doctors is to eat clean. When I say clean, I mean non-processed foods such as vegetables, fruits, rice, oats, lean meats, and things of that nature. When you eat clean, you are not putting the chemicals from processed foods into your body. This eliminates having to go through the ingredients of foods to find the one little thing that you are allergic to. Eating simple clean foods gives you a straight answer if you consume them and then have an allergic reaction.
Processed foods are also just bad for your body in general. By consuming processed foods you put unnecessary ingredients and chemicals into your body that don't better your health. For example, processed foods have excess sugar and sodium content. Excess sugar and sodium can cause a rise in blood pressure and can also lead to diabetes. Clean, whole, simple foods like vegetables, fruits, and lean meats contain vital nutrients for the body and provide these nutrients in whole, unaltered from.
If you ever have to deal with an unknown allergy in your lifetime, first look to what you are consuming. Cutting out processed foods was one of the best steps I could take towards discovering what I am allergic to.
My brother and I have several food allergies. We both cut out almost everything and gradually added foods in. We found out we are both allergic to gluten, dairy, and pineapple. It's so weird to think about how long we have struggled with hives and sickness when the solution was as simple as cutting out certain foods.